Tony Zino, a pastor, author, musician and a speaker is releasing his new book KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE GOLD this October.
According to the author, "'Keep your eyes on the gold"
viewed from God's perspective, is having a single focus on success in
life, irrespective of area of interest. Your gold may be your marriage,
education, children, an idea, ministry or wealth. Contained in this book
are personal experiences, revelations and lessons learned over the
years that I have applied and have achieved success. In the race of
life, God does not recognize consolation prizes, like second and third
places; therefore aim for and run to obtain the gold!
Stating further on the new book, Zino said, "This
book will not only inform you but change your perception and ultimately
transform your entire life. Why are you in school? Why go to school at
all? Why do you send your children to school? Perhaps to achieve good
standards of living, or to be informed and probably gain knowledge. The
truth of the matter is that, the school system all over the world is not
designed to teach you or your children about money, or about wealth
creation or its proper management. Do you ever wonder why the very
"intelligent" children or students in school end up working and slaving
for those who were considered 'not so intelligent' in the real world?
Why do the tie-wearing and suit-wearing people work and slave for the
T-shirt wearing people? As captured by Robert Kiyosaki - "The 'A'
students working for the 'C' students." Why do the rich get richer and
the poor get poorer?
This book will be available in bookstores and online.
To pre-order, call +23412932300 or mail
Connect with Tony Zino
Faceboook: tony.zino
Twitter: @apostle_zino
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